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Thrashfire (Ankara/Turkey)

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Thrashfire (Ankara/Turkey)

Postby _mechanix_ on Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:06 pm

THRASHFIRE is a thrash metal band from Ankara/Turkey, formed in December 2006. Recorded 2 promo song in 2007. After that produced enough songs to make an album and started the album work in the summer of 2009 and finished it right after, then agreed with EBM records to releasing it and the album is released from EBM Records on 13th June 2011 . And also were on the same stage with Destruction in 2010, with Artillery in 2011.
Thrashfire's first debut album Thrash Burned The Hell is out now!

World Domination video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HRBYHxucv4



You can buy it now on http://www.ebmrecords.com/mainsite/thrashfire.htm
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Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:52 pm